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Cervical Spondylosis relief with 5 Easy exercise & home remedies

Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis is an inflammatory condition which is age-related. It affects the joints and discs in neck that is the cervical spine. The dehydration and sinking of discs cause osteoarthritis. In this article we would like to share the best exercises and home remedies for relief from Cervical Spondylitis.

Few Common terms

#Radiculopathy – It is the negative impact that occurs from pinched nerves or a tumour such as pain, numbness or weakness which radiates into chest or arm.

#Myelopathy – it is a nerve disorder that affects the spinal cord.

Home remedies and Exercises to manage Cervical Spondylosis pain.

  1. Neck stretching Exercise: Avoiding neck movement due to inflammation contracts the neck muscles and makes them rigid. Neck stretching exercises strengthens the neck muscles and improves flexibility which supports neck motion and relieves pain. You can watch our videos on neck pain relieving exercises.
Exercises for Neck Pain on Left Side
Exercises for Neck Pain on Right Side

2. Ice & heat packs: To lower the inflammation at affected area, you can try using cold packs and hot pack. Put cold pack at the affected area for 15-20 minutes, then remove it and place hot pack there for same time duration. It can be very effective.

3. By using pain-relieving potential herbs from ayurveda in your daily diet.

i.. Aloe Vera
• It contains anti-inflammatory properties.
• It doesn’t have the negative gastrointestinal effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs).
ii. Boswellia
• Boswellia acid appears to have anti-inflammatory effects that could help people with RA, OA, and gout.
• Doses of up to 1 gram a day of boswellia appears to be safe, but high doses can affect the liver.

iii. Five leaved chaste tree
It has alkaloid present in it’s root and bark extracts, which has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving qualities.
iv. Ginger
The compounds that give ginger its strong flavor also have anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used it for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and pain in the joints and muscles.
Some ways of consuming ginger:
a. Make tea by infusing tea bags or fresh ginger in boiling water for 5 minutes.
b. Add powdered ginger to baked goods.
c. Add powdered ginger or fresh ginger root to savory dishes.
d. Grate fresh ginger onto a salad or stir fry.

Ayurvedic Herbs used for pain Relief
  1. Cervical Pillow: Straight alignment of neck with the spine is necessary for good sleep and for avoiding neck inflammation as well. Cervical pillows are designed in such a way which ensures the alignment. Due to different types of neck, pre customized pillows might not work well for everyone. You can get it customized as well. Cervical Pillows are available at online stores.
  1. Massage: Massaging the affected area can be very beneficial for cervical Spondylosis. It also ensures flexibility in neck. It provides ease in side-to-side neck movement.

Additionally, you may use #Himaayush #Paynoff ointment for faster relief. #Himaayush #payn-off ointment is one the of the most researched and effective ayurvedic ointments which is proven for its excellent activity over chronic and acute joint and muscle pain. It has been tested and reviewed by numbers of successful patients. PaynOff heals knee pain , lower back pain, wrist pain with excellant results. Team Himaayush is really blessed and thankful to them.

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Our Video Playlist on Arthritis and Pain Relief

1. PAYN-OFF TREATING CHRONIC KNEE PAIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIecfZthj1g&t=6s
2. PAYN-OFF TREATING ACUTE MUSCLE PAIN/ ACCIDENTAL PAIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i28GRe0qqdA
3. PAYN-OFF TREATING CHRONIC BACK PAIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ04np9b9EQ
4. PAYN-OFF TREATING ARTHRITIC KNEE PAIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBFDZpd9GxA
5. PAYN-OFF KEY INGREDIENTS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqoT24Y5R2Y
6. PAYN-OFF: A HOPE FOR ARTHRITIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rERHj_SwBYQ
7. IMMUNITY BOOSTING HERBAL TEA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4-fV1LPLyI&t=43s
8. 10 FOODS TO AVOID ARTHRITIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa-PPOj8u4w&t=5s
9. TOP 10 BACK PAIN RELIEF EXERCISES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUN3BxHSAxA&t=12s
10. TOP 10 PAINKILLER AYURVEDIC HERBS: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=himaayush
11. 8 MYTHS & FACTS ABOUT JOINT PAIN & ARTHRITIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP_xssfhijc
13. ARTHRITIS DIET PLAN FROM BREAKFAST TO DINNER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6Cq7gWk7_U

Antiseptic aqueous lotion

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